If you'd like to Donate
To offer a tax deductible donation via PayPal, click the link below.
Note: 10% of all donations will be directed towards the main ministry center in Phnom Penh which serves the boys and girls homes and COH children's home. PayPal takes a 2.7% service fee on all donations. Please note any specific instructions regarding the funds in the memo section and WOL will do its best to honor those requests. WOL maintains full discretion over the distribution of all gifts.
Donations to outreaches will be directed to Calvary Chapel Phnom Penh. The Pastoral staff will determine the needs of the outreaches and how to best finance them.
Thank you for your love and support of the work in Cambodia.
Randy Fleming,
Director Water of Life Ministries

Thank you, no matter how you support.
There are three ways to give and all are tax deductible .
**(Water of Life is a – 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization with a – EIN# 33-0159486)
1. Check – please make it out to: Water of Life,
PO Box 2022
Fallbrook, Ca 92088
*an individual can not be named in the
memo section of a check.
*A project can be named in the memo section.
2. Electronic Fund Transfer Use the following information and transfer
direct to Water of Life Cambodia to ABA bank.
Water of Life - ABA Bank account info
Advance Bank of Asia Ltd
account 887101036115 400005104392001
Beneficiary Account number: 001043920
Name: Water of Life
Bank Address: 148 Preah Sihanouk Blvd.
Water of Life address Street 24 House 563 BT
Boeung Tompon Stueng Mean Chay
Phnom Penh +855 17 444 244
For all incoming transfers, sender should provide the following details to his/her bank to effect payment to your
ABA Account .
Beneficiary Name Water of Life
Beneficiary Address Street 24 House 563 BT Beoung Tompon Phnom Penh Cambodia
Beneficiary Account Number 001043920
Beneficiary Bank Phone +855 023 225 333
Beneficiary Bank Address No. 148, Preah Sihanouk Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia 120606
Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Code ABAAKHPP
WOL phone # – (760) 728-6510 or (760)-533-8690
WOL email – wateroflifeusa@gmail.com
3. Credit or Debit Card – click on the donate button to donate via Paypal.
* For Australians to donate click here
Print the following Form and send to Wol or Bank
Electronic Funds Transfer Enrollment
Authorization Form
I hereby authorize Water of Life to transfer the amount listed on this form from my account as per the scheduled requested. This authority will remain in effect until I provide notice in writing to cancel this agreement. I understand that this cancellation request must be made at least 10 days prior to the next scheduled transfer.
To submit by mail: Print this form, complete the information requested, and mail to: Water Of Life, PO Box 2022 ,Fallbrook, CA 92088
To submit by email: Print this form, Complete, sign(signature required ),then scan and e-mail this form to: : phillipsfrank65@gmail.com
Name & Address Information
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________
Home Phone: _____________________________________________________
E-mail address: _____________________________________________________
How does CheckFree Work? EFT provides a simple and convenient method for your planned giving. By filling out the attached form, you authorize automatic payments from your bank account to Water of Life at your preferred frequency. Your bank or credit card statement will include these payments, and you will continue to receive a record of your gifts to Water of Life..
Is there a risk in making an EFT Payment? No. An electronic contribution is safer than writing a check; it can’t be lost, stolen or destroyed in the mail. Electronic contributions also have a high accuracy rate.
Can I change the amount of my gift? You can change the amount of your gift at any time by simply completing a form and either sending it via mail or by e-mail.
*Signature is required for all transactions.
Enrollment & Authorization
Transfer Frequency
Transfer my donation of $__________ to Water of Life as follows:
□ On the first of every month
□ On the 15th of every month
□ Other frequency: _______________
Date of first withdrawal: ____________
□ Checking □ Savings
(Please include voided check / or include bank info :see picture on last page))
Bank Name: ___________________________
Bank Address: __________________________
City/State/Zip: __________________________
Account Name: _________________________
Account #: ____________________________
ABA Bank Routing# : _______________________________
□ Credit Card
□ Visa □ MasterCard □ Discover □ Amex.
Account #: ____________________________________________
Expiration Date: ___________________
Signature (required for all transactions) _______________________________

© 2015 by WATER OF LIFE